10 Aug 2046

My T —

When I first see a woman, I picture her decades older.

At 80 you’ll be lovelier than even I could imagine.

How beautifully you’re growing into the echoes of yourself.

You are continually becoming you.

Though I could never wish for more than you now, just as you are.


Each time I see you I lose myself.

Your face ripples through me.

Your voice stills me.

I live for this bliss.

You will never lose me.

(Good luck getting rid of me.)


I spent years looking backward not forward.

Then I just stared into space.

Now I just look at you.


One of my favorite lines from a movie:

—Don’t stand too close to people. You’ll catch their dreams.

(The character misheard though: germs not dreams, his mother said.)

I caught your dreams. You caught mine too.

Let’s keep sleeping and dreaming together.


Of course you would have made it without me.

How grateful I feel to have seen you become who you were meant to be.

My bumblebee, who can do anything except believe she can.

My JooJooBee.


I remember the moment I fell for you, like a pin in the universe.

I crossed off the days on my calendar like a convict back then.

(Each day a theft.)

I made you wait too long, I know, but I had to prepare for you.

I wanted to start right.


I imagined cooking for you, everything you like, cooking with you.

(Holding your waist, kissing your neck, nuzzling your hair.)

Doing it was sweeter.


Someone said:

—Absence is the highest form of presence.

Fuck that guy.


I’m grateful I found you.

I’m glad I went to you.

I’m blessed to be with you.

You changed everything.


How crazy it seemed then.

How sane it seems now.

No, it seemed sane then too.


When you hurt, I hurt.

—Love is enduring the pain together.

(^^Got that from a kDrama.)

Truths are everywhere.

Mostly I’m glad not to cry alone during animated films anymore.


Love doesn’t begin to describe my feelings for you.

(As a writer I find this unacceptable.)

I will find a way to tell you.

I will show you.


We have better than a happy ending.

It’s more than happy and it’s not ending.

— Your D